Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wine Cork Memories

Hey all, I am taking a break from showing you progress on the house and sharing an idea for all of those wine corks that we all seem to collect. I know that if you're like me you've collected them for a while with the best of intentions of turning them into that really cute project you saw on Pinterest. But let's be honest, few of us will actually do these fantastic projects. Therefore, I give you a different idea for those corks that will make them meaningful and worth keeping forever! This idea came from a family wedding from last summer. Thank you Skippy Webber for the great idea. Are you ready yet for the idea after the big build up? Here it is:

Write the date and location or occasion onto the cork and save it in a cool glass jar. 

The Basque Cafe corks were the corks from Jayme and Skippy's wedding rehearsal dinner and the champagne cork is our most recent addition from the champagne we had after Joe's doctoral thesis defense.

Happy collecting! 

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